How to join our meetings
- To join, you must be an active and approved site member.
- You must be able to log in; make sure you check a few days before the meeting, as you might need to reset your password.
The video above should provide you with a good idea of how to join the bi-weekly meeting.

- Click on the Login link in the menu.
- This will bring up the login page.
It is important that you can log in; without it, you cannot join the meeting; the meeting is ONLY available to registered users. Registration is FREE.
If you successfully log in, you will see your dashboard or account details. You will also notice that your menu structure has changed.
We have a different menu structure for logged-in members.
- Select ANCOP Meeting
- This will open the ANCOP meeting chat.
If you successfully log in, you can see the chat; as explained in the video, this chat is only available to members who are logged in.

Already joined?

Join Video Chat
After you open the ANCOP Meeting page, you will see the chat, but only if you are logged in. If you are not logged in, you will not see the chat.
If this is your first time, you must JOIN THE CHAT ROOM. This makes you a member of the chat room; it is a bit like Fakebook: You can join and leave. Once you join, you can participate in the chat. This chat is only available for approved members.
If someone has already started the video chat and you have previously joined the chat room (any member can start a video chat), you will see the big green bar “Join Video Chat.” Click on that, and you will join.
If that green bar does not show, you can wait until the meeting starts or start the video chat.