Engaging Business and Community
Shopfront for Truth is an ANCOP initiative aimed at engaging local businesses and igniting the interest of the wider community, across a range of topics, with simple thought provoking questions, to educate, inform and promote the truth.
The Disappearing Dollar:
Uncover the untouched value of cash in our digital age on this page. Discover why your choice to use cash significantly benefits local businesses, ensuring every dollar you spend stays whole.
With cash, you bypass the hidden fees that chip away at a shop’s earnings with digital payments.
It’s more than just old-school; it’s about fostering a thriving local economy.
Here, we unravel the simple yet impactful way your cash payments bolster community growth, keeping the financial cycle robust and honest. Your journey into understanding the genuine worth of cash begins here, painting a wholesome picture that extends beyond the checkout counter.

(and why does it matter?)
Unveiling the Hidden Costs of Digital Transactions
In a world swiftly transitioning to digitalisation, the convenience offered by electronic transactions through EFTPOS which is a form of digital currency is undeniably appealing. However, beneath the glossy veneer of a single tap or click lies a system of deductions that incrementally nibbles away at the financial pie of our local business community. Every time we opt to swipe our cards instead of handing over cash, we inadvertently engage in a cycle that diminishes the monetary value of our transactions, bit by bit.
Consider this: You decide to buy a charming little artifact from a local store for $10. When you pay via EFTPOS, the store owner incurs a fee – let’s say a dollar – paid to the EFTPOS vendor. Now, the store owner is left with $9 instead of the full $10. This might seem trivial at a glance, but let’s delve a bit deeper.
Armed with this $9, the store owner decides to restock a product. He pays via EFTPOS, and once again, the recipient of this payment loses a portion of it to the vendor fee. This cycle repeats with each electronic transaction, causing a gradual but steady erosion of the original amount. What started off as $10, dwindles down, losing a dollar or so at every digital turn, until there’s little left of the initial amount.
Now, envision a different scenario where you pay with cash. The entire $10 remains intact, moving from your pocket to the store owner’s till and thereafter to other vendors, without any leakage along the way. Your simple act of paying in cash preserves the full value of your money, ensuring that every cent circulates within your local economy, aiding businesses to thrive, and fostering a financially robust community.
But the argument extends beyond mere monetary value. By paying in cash, we are supporting a system that is transparent and straightforward. There’s a certain honesty and clarity in seeing physical money change hands, unmarred by hidden charges that whittle away its worth with every digital handshake.
Save the DOLLAR read below to get informed
Cash & CBDC
(Central Bank Digital Currency)
To dive deeper and discover the answers, you only need to click on the question that piques your interest. Each heading below expands a dropdown, revealing the answers to the questions.
So go ahead, click away, and let each answer enrich your understanding and guide your financial choices in this digital age.
What are the consequences if we no longer have cash and only a centrally controlled digital currency?
What would happen in power outages/no internet?
How would we function, unable to buy food and petrol, pay with card/eftpos, stay warm/cool or operate technology or charge our devices?
Over the past few years, the Australian Government (Corporation) has passed laws to freeze or confiscate bank accounts if you question or disagree with their policies. They have also handed themselves powers to enable full access, monitoring and altering of your social media and all other online activities (such as email, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, search engines, apps, online purchases etc) without your knowledge or consent.
So, how does this relate to the push for a fully digital currency and a cashless society in Australia and worldwide?
Did you know that the Australian Government (Corporation) have signed treaties with the UN, NATO, the World Economic Forum (WEF), the G20 and other agreements which align Australia with a new world order (Agenda 2023 – The Great Reset)? These are known as Intergovernmental Organisations (IGO).
Do these IGO agreements benefit Australians?
Increasingly, Australians are seeing incremental losses of our freedoms because these agreements and our own policies have empowered our Government (Corporation) to spy on us, freeze and empty our bank accounts, all in line with globalist WEF and UN Agendas.
So, if we removed cash and installed an exclusively state controlled digital currency, what would that mean for our freedom and democracy today and into the future?
So, the existence of cash holds great significance for maintaining our freedoms and power, where it must always remain, with ‘We The People’.
Let’s also look at countries where fully state controlled digital currencies have been implemented. A perfect example is communist China, where a state controlled digital currency has been installed as well as a fully state controlled social credit system. Currently, all other UN countries are busy adopting the practices and passing the same legislation, making steps right now to be a reality in Australia very soon. Are you ready to live like the Chinese? Now, how do you feel about Australia falling into the digital currency (CBDC) trap?
What can we do to keep cash alive? SPEND CASH EVERY DAY!
Start today – Switch from the convenience of tapping your card to avoid the digital currency TRAP!
Don’t TAP to avoid the TRAP!
How Cash HELPS businesses?
Less bank transaction fees – giving more $ to the business instead of the banks
More control over their profits
More income to employ staff
More cashflow to give back to their local community
How Cashless will HURT us?
No more autonomy: Having no more cash jobs will negatively impact us economically, causing increased hardship and higher debt
Totally unsafe: Completely vulnerable to hackers with the risk of falling victim to fraud increased with ZERO fallback cash currency option
Fully tracked and traceable: Every purchase will be tracked, credit scored and held to question and control. You will have zero control over your bank account and income, unable to opt out or unsubscribe
Govt controlled Social Credit System: Increased scrutiny and further controlled Govt payments. All government funding will come with stringent conditions on what you may spend your money on. Your money will no longer be your money – it will be 100% Govt monitored, controlled and owned.
Zero anonymity: Cash allows anonymous purchases or donations. If cash dies, there will be no such thing ever again!
We have researched across many sources. Check out the reference links below (Articles & Videos), to draw your own conclusions.
Is a New Digital Currency about to Replace the Aussie Dollar?
Digital Currency – Insecure, intangible worthless code for CONTROL
Did you know that when all banks move to digital currency, your account could be easily hacked?
Purchases Via Credit Card is Linked to your Environmental Choices and Behaviours
Digital Currency – Insecure, intangible worthless code for Control
Happy for the Govt to control your bank account and switch it ‘OFF’ whenever they wish to?
Clandestine tricks & Tactics to get people to accept and link to a Digital ID
What is Statism – Watch this video by Victorian Journalist Topher Field
9 reasons why the Banks may decline your home loan application
We have all enjoyed the convenience of purchasing with the simple ‘tap’ of our cards or smartphone. While this overarching narrative of convenience plays loudly, how many of us have spared a thought for the significance and importance cash holds in maintaining our freedom and democracy? So many Australians view Cash as redundant as they blindly accept a totally cashless society and a fully Government (Corporation) controlled digital currency.
If you agree with our hypothesis in Question 1 ‘Cashless – Is it a trap?’ above, it would be wise therefore, to consider just how ‘convenient’ a central bank controlled digital currency will really be.
One of the major changes of shifting away from cash and into a Central Bank Digital Currency is no longer having your ‘normal bank account’ with your commercial bank (i.e. Commonwealth, Westpac, NAB, ANZ etc). Instead, you will be allocated an ‘account’ with the World Central Bank. In Australia, our World Central Bank is The Reserve Bank of Australia (ABN 50 008 559 486). These ‘banks’ are not owned or controlled by us ‘We The People’ or our Government (Corporation), they are a self-governed foreign owned corporation, who hold all the powers and control over your account.
Consider then, how happy you will be to hand over TOTAL control of ALL your money and spending to an un-elected globally controlled bank (corporation), no longer able to call, make appointments, speak to tellers or withdraw cash ‘money’ from your own account at your local branch. Instead, all ownership, control and privacy of your bank account, your money and your spending freedom, will be totally relinquished and no longer exist.
Facts about Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
- Totally non-physical and fully programmable
- Transactions will be via blockchain technology, where every single step of every transaction is fully traceable, monitored and scored (social credit score)
- Has NO TRUE VALUE other than what is digitally ‘allocated’ to you like a voucher or coupon. Essentially it is valueless.
- Sits in a ‘Cloud’ that is 100% vulnerable to hackers, with all access fully reliant on the internet.
- CBDC will link to Government (Corporation) Digital ID. This is the final frontier in the globalist control agenda. They plan to centralise, link, trace and access all aspects of your life (assets and essential services), so that everything is interconnected. This will enable full Government (Corporation) control and the total removal of our privacy, freedom and democracy as we know it.
This means, with a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), governments and banks will take TOTAL control over your money and your access to essential goods and services.
With the end game being the Social Credit System based upon a Social Credit Score, and a digital currency (CBDC) is essentially a voucher or coupon and not currency, it poses the opportunity for Governments to reassign how its programmed for spending and how much you can spend on certain things. Instead of money in the bank, a CBDC will also be allocated ‘digital credits’ that are for specific use only, such as food, clothing, travel or ‘fuel/electricity i.e. carbon emissions’, based on your social credit score. Therefore, only ‘allowed’ purchases will be programmed on your account.
What happens if you use up your ‘quota’ of CBDC and your social credit score drops below the base level score? This means you will be penalised from ‘earning’ your next CBDC payment. Then what?
Still liking the idea of a Digital Currency now?
A Digital Currency (CBDC) and Social Credit System will link all of the following;
- Digital ID
- Every purchase you make, i.e. food, clothes, alcohol, recreation etc.
- Bank accounts – with carbon credit tracking
- Employers PAYG salary
- Government Services; NDIS, Child Support, Centrelink, Medicare, My Health Record
- Investments
- Superannuation
- Green Pass/Vaccination records
- All social media accounts
The implications of a Social Credit System
- Total Government control – Easily abused as the ultimate weapon when linked to the digital ID.
- No more anonymity, personal freedom, property ownership or financial control
- Monitoring, tracking and control of every aspect of your life (activities and behaviour)
- Digital ID and facial recognition controlling access to buy food linked to your bank account (Already introduced in Aldi in the UK)
- Instant fines linked to facial recognition in every street that track you and deduct fines from your Digital Bank Account e.g. Jay walking, speeding, littering etc
- Everything you buy is controlled and scored (Social Credit Score)
- The end of human rights for free speech, not allowed to express your ‘opinion’ if it is not aligned with Government (Corporation) ideology
- End of human rights and Natural Law to move freely and travel
Suddenly those saved seconds of ‘convenience’ (tapping) may cost you everything!
We have researched across many sources. Check out the reference links below (Articles & Videos), to draw your own conclusions.
- Keep Cash Alive
- Is a New Digital Currency about to Replace the Aussie Dollar?
- State of Control documentary (English version)
- Social Conditioning: Fear of Standing Out
- Digital Currency – Insecure, intangible worthless code for CONTROL
- Digital Money – Cashless Society
- Did you know that when all banks move to digital currency, your account could be easily hacked?
- Purchases Via Credit Card is Linked to your Environmental Choices and Behaviours
- Digital Currency – Insecure, intangible worthless code for Control
- Happy for the Govt to control your bank account and switch it ‘OFF’ whenever they wish to?
- Clandestine tricks & Tactics to get people to accept and link to a Digital ID
- What is Statism – Watch this video by Victorian Journalist Topher Field
- What is the Nuremberg Code, and why is it so important?
- 9 reasons why the Banks may decline your home loan application
“You will own nothing and be happy” – Klaus Schwab, CEO of WEF who are driving the Global CBDC & Social Credit System
Remember how the lockdowns suddenly controlled where you could go, who you could see, where you could shop, what you could buy, who you could hug, whose funerals you could attend, and where you could eat? Essentially, we were forced into handing our lives over to State control with zero recognition of our inalienable rights to live freely.
“Only two weeks to flatten the curve”
The upside is that we have learned a lot of valuable lessons from these unlawful lockdowns, in particular what measures the State will go to in implementing their objectives (the ‘new normal’) deemed necessary for ‘the greater good of humanity’.
What you may not realise yet is the psychological impact of the mass formation (acceptance) and compliance with State orders now programmed into our psyche as ‘acceptable’ is now in place, ready to activate whenever the State deems any initiative is necessary ‘for the good of humanity’. What else would they use this approach for?
Find out more on ‘statism’ with Topher Field
Enter the Digital Currency (CBDC) narrative and how the removal of cash is the first step to bring in a State controlled social credit system, also being sold to us with the same theme, ‘for the greater good of humanity’ and ‘saving the planet’.
And let’s not forget ‘fear’, the psychological and emotional driver to force mass formation and compliance. This, along with the underlying primal threat of being ostracised, threatened and cancelled from society all together if you didn’t comply, was the major driving force during COVID. This mass formation mindset diminished the ability for critical thinking, as we witnessed the total violation of the Nuremburg Code across Australia and the world. We also saw the overt and total disregard for our basic human rights to move freely (an inalienable right) and bodily autonomy, instead being taken over by the State, with zero tolerance for questioning or noncompliance.
Meanwhile the push for a cashless society is under way. Australian banks have already implemented a carbon tracker into your account to track and categorise your every transaction, the first steps into a social credit score!
Concerns for a Digital Currency
- Unable to withdraw into any sort of hard currency
- Relinquish your account ownership to Global Banks (Foreign owned Corporations)
- Linked to your Social Credit Score
- Carbon footprint tracking
- Increased Security and hacking concerns
- Government controlled spending impacting lifestyle choices
- Zero privacy, autonomy or freedom
- Fully coded and programmable
- May be ‘switched off’ if you have a low Credit Score or are non-compliant (Used to control and/or punish anyone who does not toe the line e.g. speaks against the Government (Corporation)
- Not backed by hard assets
- Government (Corporation) monitored and taxed
- Connected and traced with the ATO
- Programmed with ‘expiry dates’ so your money could disappear
- Instant e-fines so that everything is linked and connected, no more rights over your own money
Have you noticed your bank is now ‘categorising’ your spending?
With everything now in context, going cashless is far more serious than we may have believed. We are currently being led blindly into a Digital currency and a Social Credit System that would spell the end of life as we know it. Say goodbye to your financial independence, privacy, rights and freedoms. No joke. It may be hard to believe, but we now have all the evidence to prove this is the road we are on.
Check out 9 reasons why your Home Loan application may be declined based upon spending habits
If you care about your and your children’s future, suddenly, protecting ‘cash’ becomes far more important, urgent and necessary. Particularly when the alternative is to relinquish the control of EVERY aspect of your life to a centralised Government interlocked digital system that will use ‘Carbon Credits’ for the global ‘digital currency’, allocated based upon your ‘Carbon credit’ score, linked via your Digital ID.
Digital ID and Digital Currency have already been implemented in Africa, Mexico and some South American countries, as well as CCP controlled China. Global Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) have for decades coerced poorer countries into accepting their Orwellian systems disguised as ‘foreign aid’, making them fully dependent whilst stripping their freedoms and autonomy to set the stage to bring in a Digital Currency.
We have researched across many sources. Check out the reference links below (Articles & Videos), to draw your own conclusions.
- Keep Cash Alive
- Is a New Digital Currency about to Replace the Aussie Dollar?
- State of Control documentary (English version)
- Social Conditioning: Fear of Standing Out
- Digital Currency – Insecure, intangible worthless code for CONTROL
- Digital Money – Cashless Society
- Did you know that when all banks move to digital currency, your account could be easily hacked?
- Purchases Via Credit Card is Linked to your Environmental Choices and Behaviours
- Digital Currency – Insecure, intangible worthless code for Control
- Happy for the Govt to control your bank account and switch it ‘OFF’ whenever they wish to?
- Clandestine tricks & Tactics to get people to accept and link to a Digital ID
- What is Statism – Watch this video by Victorian Journalist Topher Field
- What is the Nuremberg Code, and why is it so important?
- 9 reasons why the Banks may decline your home loan application
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Snag our flyer and amplify the dialogue on council responsibilities! Rates, roads, or rights—time to ask the tough questions!

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Download our flyer to encourage the conversation on council accountability! Rates, roads, and rights—let's question it all!

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Grab our flyer now to fuel the debate on council duties! From rates to roads—let's challenge the status quo!

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Snag our flyer and amplify the dialogue on council responsibilities! Rates, roads, or rights—time to ask the tough questions!

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Click 'Download' to uncover the truth about Cash & CBDC! Be informed, be empowered!

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Hit 'Download' to dive deep into the Cash & CBDC debate! Knowledge is power—grab yours now!

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'Download' to get the inside scoop on Cash & CBDC! Don't be left in the dark—act now!
The tug-of-war between convenience and the conservation of value is a nuanced one. However, as mindful citizens, it's worth considering the broader impact of our payment choices. Every dollar saved from digital deductions is a dollar that can be reinvested back into our community. So, the next time you find yourself at the checkout counter, you might want to consider paying the old-fashioned way – with cold, hard cash.
Shopfront For Truth Team